Audition for Firestorm.

Auditions for Firestorm take place every September and the program runs from September-May (with a break from mid December to mid January). Singers are accepted into either the Rising Stars program or Competition Group based on ability level. The program is open to singers ages 8-17.

Rising Stars - rehearsals each Thursday from 7-9pm

Competition Group - rehearsals each Thursday from 7-9pm and some Sundays from 10:30am-12:30pm.

The Competition Group has attended the Kettering National A Cappella Festival (Dayton, OH.) in November and competed in the International Championship of High School A Cappella tournament in February. The Kettering festival is also open to Rising Stars members who would like to attend.

In it's first year, Firestorm released their first single, VALERIE, and also made a music video for the same song.